Douglas Serrudo
Douglas and his wife, Raquel, started the work of the Baptist Church of Quellouno in 2018. The church made a substantial impact last year with food and gospel distribution, and the outreach opened new doors to sharing Christ with neighbors who had not previously shown any interest in the gospel.
The church has been praying for quite a while for the Lord to provide the means to purchase property. They have found an ideal location and have saved about 50% of the $11,000 purchase price. Douglas and Raquel have two daughters, Heidi and Havila.
Testimony and Call to Ministry
I was born into a Catholic family of seven children. I was 19 years old when the Lord found my sister, the oldest, and she was converted along with her family. She shared the Word of God with us, her younger siblings, and the fruit of that was that all of my siblings went to church except for me and my father. I was very hard on my sister. I lied to her and promised to go to church, but did not go on several occasions. A time finally came when I went. I had attended two services before the Christmas Eve service. During the preaching, I understood the need to be saved. I was aware of all of my actions and that they would condemn me to Hell (Romans 6:23), and I understood the love of the Lord (Romans 5:8), and that in order for me to be His son, I needed to be changed by the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:17), so I surrendered at the feet of Christ.
Since then I have had a tremendous passion for helping people for the glory of God. I began to visit and travel with my pastor to the churches where he was invited to preach. I watched and listened to the people say that churches were closing for lack of servants of God. I could see many needs and I asked myself, “What does God want me to do?” I asked my pastor for advice and prayed about it.
In 2012, I was in my last year of high school, waiting anxiously to finish the year so I could go to seminary. I followed the longing to serve the Lord full-time, and prepared myself at Cusco Baptist Seminary. By the grace of God, I graduated in 2013 with a Bachelors in Theology. I served the Lord in the youth ministry at my home church, taught the teen Sunday school class, and helped my pastor in the church, all by the grace of God and for His glory. Raising new churches is the burden on my heart.