Gonzalez Family: Missionaries to Artigas, Uruguay
It is a privilege to serve the Lord and a joy for us to share with you what God has allowed us to do during the past month.
Due to the restrictions in our city, we are unable to meet for services in person. However, the Word of God does not stop working.
From the 12 people we had in our WhatsApp group, we now have 40; 15 of which have made professions of faith, others were already believers, and some have not yet made a clear profession of faith but have decided to join the group devotions and daily reflections. We pray that God would give us wisdom to share the message of salvation in a clear manner. Aside from this group, we are in contact with 6 others who prefer not to be in the group but are open to hearing devotions.
It is our desire and prayer that when we can once again meet, most of these souls will be willing to congregate and eventually form a part of an organized church.
We continue Zoom meetings on Thursdays and Sundays.

Some people have difficulty using Zoom, so we record the messages and publish them in the WhatsApp group so that those who cannot be there live can still view them.
The Lord has given us the opportunity to have youth meetings on Saturdays. We began a discipleship program that they can work on throughout the week. One of them had a birthday in April, so we did something special to share with his father.
On May 1st, my family and I went to the city of Bella Union, for which we are also praying, and which is almost 87 miles from Artigas. When we arrived, everything was closed for the holiday. After walking around a while, we stopped to eat at a park on the Uruguay River. There we met Jose and his mother Eufrasia. After speaking to them for a bit we shared the gospel with them, and they both made professions of faith. They are now in the WhatsApp devotions group. I ask that you pray for this open door in Bella Union.

On Mother’s Day, my wife prepared something special to hand out to the mothers in the group, and we dropped them off to 28 homes. It was very encouraging to see the emotion and gratitude showed by most of them.

Thank you for being a part of our ministry through your support and prayers.
In the love of Christ,
The Gonzalez Family
Will be praying for you and your ministry faithfully! 💗🙏💗