Baptist Evangelistic Ministry Endeavors, Latin America
is an agency providing support from one or many churches and individuals pooling their missions resources to underwrite a called, trained, and recommended national pastor for planting Baptist churches in Latin America.
In addition, BEME-LA supports special projects such as food distribution, building construction, missions help teams, medical aid, teaching and seminary support, disaster relief, and summer camp. On occasion, BEME-LA cooperates with other fundamental Baptist missions agencies to meet specific needs.

The foundational beliefs that guide our mission
- A Proven Missions Model
BEME is connected to veteran pastors, teachers, and missionaries who are involved in Bible colleges and training programs and willing to serve as advisors.
BEME advisors give recommendations to Latin American nationals who are faithful in applicable areas such as academics, evangelism, activity within the local church, and financial stewardship. The application process starts on this basis and, because the recommendation precedes the application, it ends with approval from the board of directors, in most cases.
Approval guarantees two years of financial support to cover the national pastor’s basic costs of living, enabling him to focus his full-time efforts on evangelizing and church planting.
There are several benefits to the short-term structure of our support program, which include 1-the church starter does not have enough time to become entirely dependent on these funds, and 2-participants who are willing to commit to the financial support of a national pastor are not locked in for a long period of time. Even if the church plant is unable to assume the pastor’s full support through tithes and offerings by the time his BEME support cycle has ended, it will still have two solid years of progress under its belt.
This model works because BEME’s advisors work in places where there is a long-term missionary presence and Bible schools to provide a solid foundation of pastoral and church planting training.
Working on a part-time basis, Andy Counterman saw about 25 churches established over 10 years. Since October 2021, he has taken on the full-time role of Director of BEME. In January 2022, BEME was providing monthly support for 4 national pastors, and exactly one year later, God had seen fit to add 16 more!
We’re excited to see where this journey will take us for the cause of Christ and the glory of God!

- Why National Church Planters?
- Language or cultural barriers rarely occur between a national pastor and his community. National pastors do not have to spend time in additional language and/or culture training as part of ministry preparation.
- National pastors have an understanding of the target language and culture that takes non-native missionaries decades, or even generations of on-field experience to acquire.
- The total costs involved in supporting a national pastor are less than non-native missionaries. That said, we do not diminish those who answer the biblical call to witness abroad. Our mission would be much less effective without their presence.
- National pastors working directly with non-native missionaries help extend the reach of the established ministry and provide built-in relief during the missionary’s absence.
- Three Levels of Accountability
Advisors on the ground identify, recommend, and partner with candidates to plant churches.
Short-term commitment, long-term yield
The costs of supporting a church starter vary by the location of the church plant. Depending on the country and size of the pastoral family, the monthly cost varies from $1000-$1800 in cities. Costs are lower in rural areas.
Over a two-year period, a church can be planted for as little as the cost of a daily cup of coffee.
Speaking of coffee, our Coffee for the Cause project was a huge success, thanks to those of you who included us in your daily grind by whatever beans necessary. We can’t help but continue to espresso our gratitude!
All joking aside, Coffee for the Cause brought in enough funds to start new churches from scratch and contribute to building projects, land purchases, and vehicle funds. Here at home, it provided a much-needed printer for the home office that can handle the mission’s publication demands. Many other needs were met, as well.
As of June 2023, Coffee for the Cause has been replaced by the Pray & Give Calendar Program. Click here to read more about it, and head over to our Newsletter page to get a recent copy of the calendar.
“How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”
ROMANS 10:14-15
god has called us all to missions. will you answer?